
Local Attractions

Stonehenge, near Salisbury   Longleat Safari Park   Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury is a beautiful and sophisticated city, offering a wide range of sightseeing locations, shops and restaurants. The city also has the benefit of a mainline railway station which opens up our guests options even further with places such as Bath and London only a short train journey away. Below is just a small list of some of the amazing places that surround us here at Grayling House for you to enjoy.

Stonehenge – More on Stonehenge

Salisbury Cathedral – More on Salisbury Cathedral

Longleat House and Safari Park – More on Longleat

Old Sarum – More on Old Sarum

Wilton House – More on Wilton House

Highclere Castle (TV’s Downton Abbey) – More on Highclere Castle

Salisbury City Hall – More on Salisbury City Hall

Langford Lakes Wildlife Sanctuary – More on Langford Lakes

Heale Gardens – More on Heale Gadens

Larmer Tree Gardens – More on Larmer Tree Gardens

Salisbury Race Course – Visit Salisbury Races

Avebury – Visit Avebury Rings

The Monarch’s Way – Visit Monarch’s Way

Wiltshire Cycleway – Visit Wiltshire Cycleway